Moment Of Life !!

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Girls Let Me Teach You People How To Chat


. 1. Always be appreciative when a guy tries to make you laugh. One of the major chat killer is when you have a low sense of humour, how you response to a joke goes a long way in making the chat interesting. Its so annoying when a guy crack a very funny joke to a girl and all she could reply is "lol" or "smiles".... So annoying. .

2. One other chat killer is when you lack continuity, its not nice to be using a mono-syllabic mode of chatting. Some girls will be the first to inbox you...for example; Girl: Hey Guy: hello how are u? Girl: fine. Guy: how was ur day? Girl: Kul. Haba...At least have the decency to ask how his own day went na. i.e Guy: how was ur day? Girl: Kul, and urs? If you don't know, that's what keeps a conversation going.

. 3. When someone deliberately exaggerates, please flow along with him, he's just trying to be funny. Don't give a dry response. For example; Guy: what are you doing now? Girl: eating Guy: ok should I come and join you? Girl: that stays in Lagos, so I should stop eating and wait for you to come from Abuja right? Mumu, he was just joking! .

4. Please if you know you're busy with something, then don't come online. Stop replying a message after 9hrs or even days. Some will just leave when the chat is getting interesting without saying bye, they will just leave you waiting for their replies .

5. Its a conversation and not an interview. Ask questions too. Don't make him to be asking all the questions. .

6. No where in the Bible or Quran or the constitution that a guy should be the one to always start a chat, learn to also start a conversation too. .

7. Stop asking for recharge cards through a chat, believe me it makes a chat BORING. . Hope You Got That???



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