Moment Of Life !!

Showing posts with label Amazing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amazing. Show all posts

Sunday, 8 December 2019

The Benefits of Eating Cucumber

Health Benefits Of Garlic Garlic does more than make our food taste good, it can aid in the healing and even prevention of certain medical conditions. Garlic, for years, in movies, it has been keeping vampires at bay, but according to mountains of research, vampires aren’t the only things garlic can fend off. Joining the ranks are colds, cancer, heart disease, hypertension, infection and even impotence. Here we will take a look at the various benefits to our health of eating garlic. Colds: One of the most common ailments garlic has been touted to treat is the cold. Upon the onset of the sniffles, many people testify that consuming a clove or more of raw garlic takes them away. How can a clove of garlic possibly help? Studies have shown that garlic extract improves immune function, giving our natural defense , system a boost, and helping it conserve our levels of antioxidants in our system. It is this strengthening of the immune system that aids in its support for other health related conditions. Cancer: For years research has been conducted on the effects of garlic on cancer. A healthy immune system is necessary to fight cancer, and we already know conclusively that garlic supports that system. Studies have been done on the population and in animals, as well as in test tubes. What is determined is that garlic has the ability to reduce the formation of cancerous cells. Garlic is shown to actually block cancer causing compounds from forming, and slow the growth of tumor cells. Garlic is especially helpful in blocking esophageal, breast, stomach, prostate and bladder cancer. Research has proven that compounds in garlic not only slow the rate of growth in a tumor, but can reduce the tumor size by half. When studying the effects on breast cancer, these compounds can actually prevent carcinogens from attaching to breast cells. What are these wondrous compounds? They are diallye disulphide and sallycystein. These compounds form when garlic is crushed. Among the sulfur components of garlic there are some called ajoenes, which are also noted for their “antitumor” abilities. Heart Disease: Just as there are many factors that cause heart disease, there are many benefits of garlic that aid in preventing and treating it. So how can gallic help keep our heart in check? First, it helps lower our cholesterol levels. It raises our HDL (good) cholesterol levels, prevents LDL (bad) cholesterol from building up on arterial walls. This reduces the chances of plaque forming in our arteries. It has also been shown to lower cholesterol levels by 9% in people who ate 2 cloves of garlic per day. Recent studies have also shown it to protect the aorta. The aorta is the heart blood vessel that maintains blood pressure and flow while the heart is pumping. Age, poor diet and environmental factors such as smoking can damage the aorta, causing it to stiffen. Studies have also shown that regular consumption of garlic slows the aging of the aorta and helps keep it flexible. Hypertension: Another heart benefit of garlic is its ability to help control our blood pressure by thinning our blood. Once again the chemical found in garlic, called ajoene, thins the blood and keeps clots from forming. Studies done with general populations have shown that where there is more garlic consumed in a population, there is also a reduced incidence of hypertension and heart disease. Although garlic’s heart healthy benefits may be new to some, for centuries Chinese herbalists have been using garlic to treat people with angina attacks and circulatory disorders. Infection: Since 1858 garlic has also been known for its anti-bacterial properties. At this time Louis Pasteur discovered that bacterial cells died when they were saturated with garlic. Other cases of its use as an antibiotic in history include WW II, when British doctors used it to treat those wounded in battle, and Albert Schweitzer used garlic to treat typhus and cholera. Garlic is known to have not only antibacterial but antiviral and antifungal abilities as well. It is effective against intestinal parasites, recurrent yeast infections and the growth candida albicans is slowed by garlic. With this in mind, it should be considered only as an aid to antibiotics in fighting infections, as it is not enough to replace them. Garlic can help by stimulating T-cells that help fight infection. Impotence: Garlic has also been found to be helpful to those dealing with impotence. Folklore dating back centuries has hailed garlic as an aphrodisiac, and now studies have proven this legend to be true. We know that garlic aids in blood circulation and keeps veins and arteries youthful, but that is only one way it helps with impotence. According to researchers, to obtain an erection an enzyme is required called nitric oxide synthase, and compounds in garlic stimulate the production of this enzyme in people who suffer from low levels of it. Pregnancy: One can also benefit from garlic during pregnancy. According to a study done by doctors in a London hospital, garlic supplementation may help weight-gain for babies that may be at risk for low birth weight. The study also found that the chance of other at-birth risk factors could be reduced, such as pre-eclampsia, which is associated with hypertension. The list of studies involving garlic and our health could go on and on. Continuous research is being done showing the association between garlic and improved memory and learning function, as well as findings that show it can help prevent the onset of “stress-induced hyperglycemia”. Recently, it has also been studied and found to help in detoxification of bodily systems, by increasing the levels of antioxidants in the body and decreasing the formation of toxic compounds. So we see the many areas that garlic can help us, but what should we do now? Begin ingesting six cloves a day? First of all, one should never make changes to their lifestyle in regards to their health without consulting a physician first. Your doctor needs to know if you plan to begin supplementing garlic. If you are taking medication for high blood pressure or are scheduled for surgery, garlic intake can affect both of these things, due to its blood thinning and anticoagulative properties, so it is a must to consult with your physician before making any changes or additions.

Sunday, 1 December 2019

6 Reasons Why People Die Young

Dying in a young age is not what everyone wish for himself or herself but this isn’t about wish it’s about choice, there are thousands of reasons why people die young but we are giving you 5 reason that need to be given attention to by government and NGOs. 1. Drugs and Alcohol 15% of the deaths of aged group were induced by drugs or alcohol. Abusing drugs and alcohol may be a rite of passage into adulthood, but it is risky. In addition to the chance of an overdose, it also greatly increases risky sexual behavior and the odds of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Preventing drug and alcohol abuse is the focus of many programs, both aimed at encouraging parents to discuss these issues with their kids and peers to influence each other. 2. Stress Stress is the parent to so many diseases like hypertension, stroke, etc. 3. Depression Youths and adults die everyday by being depressed on a situation or another, it either leads to breakdown of the body or suicide. 4. Bad lifestyle (Diet) So this may lead to early death in children 5. Smartphones This is common and strange, I will explain bit by bit on how mobile phones is a reason why people die young Cancer Cancer deaths account for 5% of deaths among the 15 to 24 age group. Unfortunately, there is no proven way to prevent cancer, and this percentage includes many childhood cancers that are not preventable. Heart Disease 3% of people who die when they are 15 to 24 die of heart disease. Exercise and a healthy diet can help to prevent and reverse heart disease, however, many young people who die of heart disease were born with it. 6. Smoking Smokers are liable to die young, they suffer from different kinds of respiratory diseases. Smoking is more dangerous that the HIV virus, when a person gets addicted to smoking

Saturday, 2 February 2019

"How To Find A Good Husband

During an event, I witnessed a very interesting conversation that transpired amongst some Nigerian millenial women (probably in their early-to-mid twenties) regarding finding “Mr Right” and marriage. One of the women present, a 24-year-old pretty Ibo girl who already has a thriving career (let’s call her “Ada”, expressed concerns about finding a good husband. Ada asked her peers present, what it would take to find a man who wouldn’t be intimidated by her success. She also stated that she always wondered when/how/where she would find a husband, as she’s an Ibo girl and “time isn’t on her side.” In addition, she mentioned that she was under pressure from some of her family members to get married. Some of the other women present at the event advised her to disregard the pressure she was experiencing and just be patient about finding a hubby. After hearing Ada express her concerns about marriage, I felt the need to address this issue on my blog. Here is some advice on the issue from my own perspective. Again, I’m NOT a relationship or marriage expert. However, I believe that sharing my views about this issue may help someone out there who is worried about marriage. My thoughts on finding the right husband are as follows: Don’t look for him. He will find you I believe that when you are truly ready to meet your God-ordained partner, he will find you when you least expect it. You don’t have to go hunting for a man. I really don’t believe that seeking love should be a stressful affair. Love yourself. Stay true to yourself. When you are ready in God’s eyes, lifetime bae will come. Put God first The mere fact that you love someone doesn’t necessarily mean you should marry them. Put God first. Pray about the person and ask God if he is truly the person you are meant to be with for a lifetime. From my experience, you will get the answer to this question in unique ways. God may blatanly give you an answer via dreams and visions. Or you may suddenly find yourself in a particular situation with your partner, and judging by the way you both react it, the answer will become clear. The answer may also come seemingly serendipitously while you are interacting with other people in your everyday life. Don’t compare Your Man with Your Friend’s Man You never know what’s going on behind closed doors in anyone’s relationship. So don’t go comparing your partner with anyone else’s. For instance, let’s say your partner is very materially wealthy. He pays all your bills, gives you a monthly allowance, and takes you on shopping trips around the world. But then you have a friend whose partner isn’t as wealthy as yours and perhaps they split all their bills 50-50, but it appears that what he lacks in finances, he makes up for with touching acts of love and heartfelt displays of affection – a quality you may feel like your own partner doesn’t have as much of. Then you start to feel envious because you want more of what you friend’s partner has. Don’t do that! Be content with what what you have. Longing for what someone else has ultimately leads to feelings of discontent, which may prevent you from missing out on the fact that your own partner may just be husband material. If he encourages your success, he’s a keeper! You don’t need a man who feels intimidated by your success. Rather, he should encourage you to be the best version of yourself in all areas of your life. Even if you are doing better than him financially or career-wise, he should be proud of you and keep encouraging you to excel even more. If he’s showing signs of jealousy or a controlling nature due to the fact that you’re doing well, please run away fast and don’t look back. Do NOT think you can change him during marriage. I once had a friend that experienced this same situation. Her fiancé had never liked the fact that she made more money than he did, and he was actually very vocal about his displeasure. However, due to pressure she had put on herself to get married at a certain age, she convinced herself that she could work on changing his mindset during the marriage. Sadly, this was not the case. Under the guise of wanting to be her sole provider and be a good husband, when they got married, he convinced her to quit her six-figure salary job and be a housewife. And that’s when his true colors really began to show. He started to emotionally and physically abuse and manipulate her. Well, that marriage didn’t last up to a year, because she filed for a divorce after she realized that no amount of fasting and prayers would ever change him. Don’t succumb to family pressure Easier said than done in many cases, I know. But the truth of the matter is that often times, this pressure is exerted for selfish reasons. Many parents want to feel proud to tell their friends that their daughter is finally getting married. They want to organize an elaborate wedding to boost their own egos, sell aso-ebi, and just be all-round “extra.” Girl, remember that wedding only lasts for one or two days, and the marriage lasts for a lifetime! After parents, friends, and wedding guests have finished eating all the small chops, jollof rice, nkwobi, amala and gbegiri, they will go back to their own homes to their own families. You will subsequently be left alone with your husband. You may never even get any phone calls from many of your so-called “aunties” and “uncles” after the wedding to check on you to enquire about how you are coping in your new home. NOPE. Once they digest and poo out the small chops, you become a distant memory in their minds. So why get married to please them or anyone else? I once heard about a woman who found out the day before the wedding that her husband-to-be (whom parents had “arranged” for her by the way) was cheating on her with an ex girlfriend. She told her mom she wanted to call off the wedding, but mommy was like “yo dude, we’ve paid for the hall, cake, food, people are attending from out of town, just manage for now and sort it out during the marriage.” LOL. Anyways you get the point. DON’T MARRY TO PLEASE YOUR FAMILY. Do it on your own terms, how and when you want to do it. Who cares if you are over 30 and unmarried? Marriage is not a competition. Or an achievement. Don’t let family and society brainwash you.

Saturday, 26 January 2019

See how to set timing for all bus

This is the most important thing to know ...

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Read 5 Reasons Why We Kiss

Have you ever wondered why we kiss? Whether we use it for an informal greeting or for a romantic gesture, kissing is an ingrained human behavior that seems to defy explanation. For many people, “it’s just something we do”, however Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency, helps to reveal 5 reasons we kiss. It Maintains Attachment Especially when it is done as a romantic gesture, kissing is associated with more satisfaction in a relationship. It increases the levels of oxytocin (the love hormone and one of the major bonding chemicals in the body) in both partners, and the release of this hormone helps to promote bonding between the two. It Feels Good Our lips and tongues are packed with nerve endings that helps intensify the ‘dizzying’ sensations of love and attraction when we kiss. This is why it feels so good. The saliva swapped during kisses also contains testosterones which are mainly transferred by the men into the women. To Express Love and Affection Kissing is one of the many ways to express love and affection. It mainly expresses in a deep connection, your love or affection for the other person. In the process, it also plays a significant role in helping to relieve stress and show respect and admiration especially when it’s a kiss on the forehead or cheek. To Communicate Kisses communicate a variety of messages more profoundly and deeply than communication with words. A kiss can convey tenderness, respect, enthusiasm, passion and admiration. A kiss on the cheek for example, communicates respect and admiration. A kiss on the forehead is more nurturing and is mainly used to communicate tenderness and protection. To Promote Intimacy One of the ways to promote intimacy in a relationship is to kiss. Kissing of any form is more or less a request to enter into the personal space of another. Once the request is granted, it helps to cement intimacy and a sense of togetherness between the parties involved. This is one of the reasons you should be careful with who you let kiss you (be it on the lips, cheeks, forehead or any other part of your body) because overtime feelings will begin to develop.

Saturday, 15 December 2018

5 Signs That Indicates You Need Your Tyre Replaced

Your car tyres remain a very vital part of your car that is supposed to be in good condition at all times. Your tyre is meant to provide a safe grip with the ground in all situations to ensure good driveability of your car. Anything that makes your tyre deviate from giving your car safe grip to the ground should be avoided. Below are the warning signs that indicate it’s time to change your tyres.
1. Bulges: Bulges on any part of your trye are another clear indication that your tyre needs to be replaced. The bulges sprout out when the rigid internal frame of your tyre get damaged. These bulges can be caused by driving your car with low tyre pressure, hitting potholes or kerbs. When there is bulge(s), it is highly advised you change the tyre even if it looks fine. 2. Age: Pay attention to the age of your tyre. It is not very hard to check the age of your tyre. There are a 10-11 digits Tyre Identification Number (TIN) written on the sidewall of every tyre. The TIN tells you a lot of information about your tyre including the weak and year it was manufactured. 3. Cracks: Car tyres are almost at all times exposed to varying weather conditions. Some of these exposures can cause UV rays to break down the chemicals and oils used by the tyre manufacturers. When this occurs, the strength and flexibility of your tyres might get compromised leading to brittle-like texture of the tyre. This will often look like little cracks or holes in the tyre itself. These cracks on your tyres could be a sign of a future blowout. So it is definitely something you need to get checked soon. 4. Vibration: It is normal for your car to vibrate especially when plying bumpy roads. There are several causes of car vibration; one of them is bad tyres. An internal damage to the tyre can cause irregular spinning of the tyre, hence vibration. If you start noticing some vibrations even when on smooth road, it can be an indicator something could be wrong with your tyre. Inspect your tyre to find out what the problem is. 5. Wear on one side: You would probably need new tyres if they have severely worn out. Tread wear on the center strip of the tyre is a sign of over inflation, while wear on the edges is as a result of under inflation. Spread the love

5 Reasons Some Smart People Never Make It In Life (READ AND LEARN)

Toheeb is one of the smartest guys in the class back then in school. Since we graduated 2 years ago, he has been doing quite well in his career, but when he checks Instagram, he sees guys he outperformed in school who are making more money and achieving greater things than him.
Likewise, there some of his colleagues at his work place who are doing better than him. All these makes him wonder with no choice than to ask himself, “What Am I Doing Wrong”? You can relate right? You might relate to Toheeb yourself, or have a colleague or friend who struggles with the same feelings. The truth is, raw intelligence is undoubtedly a huge asset , but it is not everything. And sometimes, when intellectually gifted people don’t achieve as much as they would like to, it’s because they are indirectly under-rating themselves. If you’re in this situation, the good news is that when you understand these things that are hindering your success as an intelligent person, you can turn them around. Below Are five Things Smart People Particularly Struggle With That Is Preventing Them From Making It In Life:- 1. Smart People Don’t Value Other Skills, Like Relationship Building, And Over-concentrate On Intellect Very smart people sometimes are always over confident of their success in life because of their intellect, so they don’t see other soft skills as important. For instance, some smart people don’t always feel the need to go out clubbing or chill out, they prefer to stay indoor working or watching educative programmes forgetting that going out chilling relaxes the brain and also increases your chances of meeting people who will offer you bigger contracts. They grow up being told they’re smart, and during their schooling, academic success comes more easily to them than to others. It’s easy to understand why, as a result, they would continue to focus on their intellect as adults and other things like building strong relationships with people becomes meaningless to them. In life, you need more than raw intelligence to get ahead. And only focusing on your greatest strength, rather than also addressing your weaknesses, tends to be self-destructive. The Solution: Use your strengths to overcome your weaknesses. If you’re good at learning you can simply learn the skills that don’t come as naturally to you. Learn how to talk to people, relate with others and developing positive attitude. For instance, identify three specific workplace diplomacy behaviours that would improve your success in that area. You can be smart buy your attitude makes you smarter! 2. Teamwork Can Be Frustrating For Very Smart People Smart people grasps idea quickly and has high standards for their own performances. This makes it difficult for them when working with others who process information and grab ideas slowly. This frustration develop early in smart kids they feel other slow learners are holding them back and as a result, they have problem with team work. Some students will put it upon themselves to handle group assignments involving 10 people by themselves all because they feel they can do it all better. Smart people also sometimes find it difficult to delegate because of a sense they can do a task better (regardless of whether this is actually true.) This is especially likely for those who have a perfectionist streak. If you understand the concept of associative thinking you will know that no idea is entirely bad no matter how useless they appear. You can’t be smart in everything, some people know more than you in some situations. The Solution: Be self-compassionate about your internal reactions and understand where they come from, but also learn to genuinely appreciate what people of different minds bring to a team. 3. Smart People Often Attach A Lot Of Their Self- esteem To Being Smart, Which Can Decrease Their Hustling Spirit If a lot of your self-esteem rests on your intelligence, it can be very difficult to be in situations that threatens your smartness. Smart people always avoid taking risk that will put them situation of getting criticized and as such they are always contented the little success they are getting. Any situation that triggers feeling not- smart is experienced as highly threatening. The smart person may even seek to avoid those situations, which ultimately holds the person back. For instance, I have a secondary school mate who is a naturally gifted singer but won’t go into music because he feels the chance of making it in music in Nigeria is a low. That’s fear of failure. The Solution: Take an objective view of the benefits of working with people who are, in some respects, smarter than you. If you’re surrounding yourself with smart people, you’re doing something right. Remember, iron sharpens iron. Develop relationships with people who you trust to give you helpful constructive feedback. The more you become accustomed to receiving criticisms as feedbacks from people who believe in your overall talents and capacities, the easier it will become. 4. Smart People Get Bored Easily If you’re smart, curious, and have a love of learning , you might find yourself loosing interest quickly in anything once you’ve learnt it. This is why some people, after learning graphics design instead of focusing on it so that can be cashing out steady, they move to learning web- designs and after some months of getting bored with codes, they want to start learning video editing again. The everyday execution side of one thing might bore you, and you’d rather constantly be learning new different things. As a result, finding a niche and repeating the same formula might seem too boring or unchallenging to you as a smart person. The Solution: Instead of attempting dramatic change, decide on something related to what you’re currently into, learn it and be using it to break the boredom. For instance, if you’re a graphics designer, you can learn photography so that when you get bored designing, you can go out to take some beautiful photos, then come back to design. Additionally, make sure you’re learning across the various domains of your life, including your work, hobbies, physical fitness, understanding yourself and so on. 5. Smart People Sometimes See In-depth Thinking As The Solution To Every Problem Intelligent people are used to succeeding through their thinking skills, but in most cases overlook when a different approach would be more beneficial. For example, the smart person might attack every situation by trying to think it to death, over- researching every decision and ruminating over every mistake when other approaches geared towards coming up with solutions would be more fruitful. The Solution: Notice when you’re thinking too much. Consider when strategies other than thinking are more likely to result in success. Experiment with taking breaks to get unstuck, and allow yourself to learn by doing something instead of exhaustive advance research. Expand your range of skills for getting solutions so that you’re not the person who sees every problem as a nail because their only tool is a hammer. If you can relate to any of the points above, do not judge yourself or feel shameful about it, know that you can turn them around by the tactical and practical solutions we have highlighted. Which Of The 5 Points Can You Relate With The Most? Feel free to share as we will be replying all comments to help you further.

5 Reason Why Bitter Leaf Is Good For You

Bitter leaf has numerous medicinal values and benefits to human health. Apart from using it for cooking, bitter leaf is rarely used for any other thing, because people seem ignorant of its numerous health benefits. Sadly, whenever it is used for cooking, almost all the nutrients are washed off the leaves. Even the leftovers are further lost to the cooking process: Thus leaving just a minute portion of its richness for our consumption. The leaf contains some antibacterial and antifungal properties that make it a good home remedy to several health issues such as dysentery, diarrhea, high blood pressure, and many others. Health Benefits of this miraculous plant known as bitter leaf; 1. Good for the Bones & Teeth; Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant mineral found in bitter leaves that has a special role in the body which is the maintenance of bones and teeth as well as prevention of deficiencies associated with this essential vitamin. It also contains a trace of vitamin K. The functions of this vitamin extend outside blood clotting as it includes maintaining healthy bones and prevention of bone tissues weakness called osteoporosis. 2. Helps To Clear Fever; Bitter leaves contain flavonoids which have powerful antioxidant effects in treating several health issues such as feverish conditions. Other elements like andrographolide lactones, glucosides, diterpene are also present in the leaves and work together to treat and trim down fever and its symptoms. 3. It relieves stomach ache; Majority of people are aware of this because it is a well-known remedy for stomachaches. All you need do is to chew the tender stem of the plant like a chewing stick and swallow the bitterness and the ache will stop within few minutes. An alternative is to pound the fresh leaves in a mortar and press out the juice. Add a pinch of salt to three tablespoons of the undiluted juice and drink. In no time one would experience relief. 4. Insomnia; Insomnia is a condition that promotes habitual sleeplessness. And as funny as it may sound, there are a lot of people experiencing this condition. This group of people finds it impossible to sleep at night and no matter how hard they try, their effort is always met with alertness. However, studies have shown that Bitter leaf extract has done wonders for those suffering from sleeplessness. Simply take two glasses of bitter leaf solution every night and you will experience a calmness that comes with relaxation and sleep. 5. Improve Fertility in Women; Bitter leaf has the ability to improve a very important female sex hormone that contributes to reproductive development and regulation. It helps to improve quality hormone profile and as well prevents the toxification of immunoglobulin that fights an important female sex hormone, estrogen, and reproduction. Bitter leaf is very effective in women reproductive life for its capability of providing balance in the genital hormone.

Monday, 26 November 2018

How to register for NNU?

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Join 6 other subscribers Subscribe Search Search Recent reviews Learn Social Media Marketing:How I make $$$ from social media by True Trim Forskolin Reviews Learn Social Media Marketing:How I make $$$ from social media by Sally Learn Social Media Marketing:How I make $$$ from social media by Sally Recent posts How to create PayPal that can receive Exclusive: Why Nigerian youths need GLO affiliate program: Make up to Use propellerads to monetize your website PropellerAds Scan QR Code Try the techpanda feed app Scan QR Code Get our App for Android DOWNLOAD by Dada eniola | Posted on September 8, 2018  Post Views: 923 There’s a secret to earning on NNU income program. Have you heard about NNU income program? Do you believe you can make N60,000 monthly in Nigeria by just doing some simple tasks like commenting, sharing posts on Facebook and login daily? In this post, you will not only know about NNU, I will also show you the ultimate secret t earn from NNU. On NNU, the people with the most referrals are paid first before others with lesser referrals. So technically, the best way to assure you get paid is by referring enough people. Which I am going to show you how to do at the end of this post.. NNU income program is an online scheme that pays Nigerians to read and comment on posts. It is one of the swiftest ways yo make money online in Nigeria at the moment. You can earn more than a minimum wage when you participate in this stuff. I personally didn’t believe in this before but when I saw payment proofs, I decided to join. It works for everyone, irrespective of your age, height, gender etc. In this post, I will be showing you all you need to know about NNU including the following: What is NNU income program legit? Is NNU legit? How to register for NNU? How to earn more money with NNU? How to receive your money on NNU Tricks to get more referrals on NNU and many more. NNU is an acronym for Nigerian News Update. It is meant to serve the purpose of inspiring reading culture among Nigerians by paying them to read news.
NNU is just like BBC to the British men, except the payment they make. So if you are the type that doesn’t like reading news, NNU will force you to love it immediately if you are to earn from them. NNU income program was created by Paul Samson, an online digital enthusiast in Nigeria. He is responsible for many other online money making platforms. NNU makes their money from the adverts displayed on their sites. It is a well financed business, and people and brands also pay for their brands or adverts to be posted on the platform. Formally, NNU earns money through Google AdSense but nobody knows what happened to them. Maybe AdSense policies hit them hard. Well, that’s not our business, so far we are paid, right? Yes, NNU is 100% legit. There have been posts on social media of proofs that show how legit the platform is. NNU is not a scam and they pay people truly. Those who complained of not being paid probably didn’t follow the rules laid down by the income program. When you do the right thing, NNU will give you what you deserve. NNU registration is very simple and fast. First thing to do is get your money really. Registration costs just N1600 once. MUST READ: FoskaayAYEP season1: Get N100000 to start your business now You are not asked to pay any other fees after registration. You simply need to sign up here and fill the form with your correct details. Your names must match with your account number. Once you have successfully filled the form, you will be asked to select payment type. There are two options to choose from: Paystack Coupon code Paystack: When you pay with paystack, you use your ATM to perform online transaction and send the N1600. This will take some time before your account will be approved. You will then receive an email confirming your payment and then you can start earning. It is very easy and fast but approval may take up to 24 hours compared to the other method. Coupon code: When you buy NNU coupon code from me, you will be verified in less than an hour. A coupon code will be what I will use to contact the officials and moderators on NNU.

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Tiwa Savage shares sizzling photos with Wizkid amidst dating rumours

All this started when fans noticed that they seemed to be getting closer. The rumours were given more credibility after Starboy released a music video for his song Fever on October 24, 2018, and it featured Tiwa as the vixen. Tiwa made sure to play her role very convincingly as she and Wizkid looked like they are more than just friends. In the music video, their chemistry was undeniable. This has led to a lot of trolling as fans have taken to guessing that they have an intimate relationship, while Tiwa has been facing a lot of criticisms from people who feel she acted inappropriately for a married woman, even though she is already separated from her ex-husband, Teebillz. However, the trolling doesn’t seem to affect the stars as they took to their Instagram pages to share loved up photos of themselves together. The photos are obviously scenes from the video.

Sunday, 2 September 2018

How to install Google Play Store on Chinese Android Phone

You can find very good and affordable china devices but some of them do not offer the Google’s services on the smartphones. It should be kept in mind that the manufacturers are all Asian and many of them target the Chinese market as a priority.this explains the use of Chinese application centers rather than the international Google Play Store.Google Play, is the official App Store for Android devices. It will allow you to download games, applications among the 1,000,000 offered by Google. Don’t worry, it is still possible to install Google Play Store on Chinese Smartphones and Tablets, we explain everything in this article. 1-First, enable the option to install applications from unknown sources: Settings> Security> Unknown Sources.
2-Download 4 basic apps for the Google Play Store: -Google Account Manager: You need to download the correct APK for the Android version of your smartphone. an earlier version. Download Google Account Manager: -Google Services Framework: you need to download the APK file with the Android version number of your device. I recommend you download an earlier version. Download Google Services Framework: -Google Play Services: You need to consider the version of your Android. You also need to know the architecture of your smartphone’s processor (arm o arm64). It does not matter if the version is beta or stable, the important thing is that it is compatible with your processor and your version of Android. Download Google Play Services: -Google Play Store: you need the latest version possible. Download Google Play Store: Once all 4 apps are installed, you’ll have the Google Play Store icon in your apps. At first launch, you need to register your Google Account to access Google Play.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Jesus Soap on sale to wash away sins (photo)

Wetin person no go see for this our ogbonge life? A wonder-soap called 'Jesus soap' is currently making waves online. According to the description of the soap, it is a novelty soap which can be used when one feels the need for confession, the need to get the burden of sins off one's chest. The soap is also meant for lost souls and you only need to use it once in a day (especially at night) just to wash away the day's sins. The Jesus Novelty Soap The soap which is listed amongst other products on Amazon has currently sold out, as many who want to 'wash away their sins' didn't let it stay too long on the counter. From the reviews, people even bought in bulk, hence, the unavailability of product. One of the buyers reviewed it by saying: "So much fun when you see the face of the person you gave it to. I bought several to give to my dirtiest friends." Another one said: "This is a very cute gift or stocking stuffer for good friends or family that can handle the presumption of a subtle jab at the lives we lead. We all need a good soul cleansing once in awhile." And yet another: "This is a cute gift. I know the receiver will like it. Too bad we really can't wash our sins away with this soap, but the Person on the soap can do it for us!" LOL, was this what John had in mind when he talked about Jesus washing away our sins? Would you buy the Jesus Novelty Soap?

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Controversial! Lord's Chosen pastor finds bomb on church altar in Benin

A Facebook User named John Odemwingie Omorogbe, has posted a photo of what looks like a home made bomb. Controversy! Chaos in Benin, as Lord Chosen member allegedly finds bomb on church altar (Photo) Omorogbe, who happens to be a Lord's Chosen pastor, said the bomb was allegedly placed on the altar of the Church Headquarters. He said: "This bomb was planted on the altar of the international conference hall of Christ chosen Church of God headquarters Benin city during the service on Sunday while our international annual conference was on, more than 10,000 believers were seated, but God through the instrumentality of the security operatives on ground made them to discover the bomb and it was detonated alongside with another one found in the car park. The God of Christ chosen church of God,the God of our Spiritual leader/General overseer Most SNR Apostle Dr Joshua Osasuyi JP Mfr is alive, based on this, and with the arrest attempt that was carried out on Apostle Johnson Suleiman, I curse all these evil perpetrators that is standing against Christian all over Nigeria and the world in General. May the ground open and swallow them, every weapon they prepare against believers shall turn against them, their strategy shall work against them in Jesus name. Enough is enough, it is fire for fire spiritually and physically. The aborted arrest of Apostle Suleiman is still stirring heated arguments all over the world, even as many are calling for his arrest. This latest report from Benin raises questions as to the security situation of the nation. No security agency has affirmed the story. Shall we believe the claim? And who could be behind such an act?

Apostle Suleman insists he is a man of peace

- Apostle Suleman said he has no grudge against the DSS - The religious cleric said he should have been duly invited - He denied asking Christians to kill Muslims Apostle Johnson Suleman has denied ordering Christians to kill Muslims insisting that he is an advocate of peace. The religious cleric who is the founder of Omega Fire Ministries Worldwide spoke on the heels of the attempted arrest by operatives of the Department of State Service in Ado Ekiti where he was eventually taken away by Governor Ayodele Fayose. Daily Post reports that Suleman insisted that he did not order Christians to go after Muslims but that they should defend themselves when under attack from killer herdsmen. He spoke on Wednesday, January 25 where he said his statement was misinterpreted and that it was sinful for any man to order the killing of another person. He said: “They said I preached in Auchi two weeks ago which they said implied that I was instigating Christians against Muslims . I have always been an advocate of peace and I can’t stay around and be saying such. There widows, orphans we take care of . No leader will see his shepherd being killed and be happy. “Later, I got anonymous calls from Fulani Herdsmen about what I said. What I said was that, if gunmen came around church to attack churches, you must defend yourself, but if they come to pray, don’t attack. But they quoted me out of context. I am not stupid, I live among the crowd and I am not senseless. Time for self defence has come. Whether you are a Muslim or Christian, someone can’t just come to your house and killed your children and you will keep quiet. “I said the Christians must not go after them, but if they come after us, then defend yourself. This is what they twisted to mean. I am hearing different versions of the story. I was in Abuja for three days why didn’t they come after me. But now that I am in Ekiti, they wanted to lump me up with a man they think was against them. It could have been easier to pick me up in Abuja, I don’t live here. “If this will make them to clarify what I meant, I can present the video of my preaching. A town in Aviele in Edo State , Muslims rushed into the church and chased away all church members. I have always been preaching that youths must not kill . It was even wrong for the police or security agency to be coming around me and be saying I preached that I said Christians should kill Muslims without any verifiable facts. Apostle Suleman insists he is a man of peace “The only thing I am seeing is that we must learn how to investigate. I am not happy because of the way Christian community have been reacting. They are even saying they will protests abroad in all Nigerian embassies. I will never be alive and see Christians destroying property of Muslims because there will be problem.
“If they had called me and say I should tone down what I said, I would have gone back to do that. I have never been invited, but if I am invited I will come but that will be at my own time. I was not stopped from preaching. “This Kaduna crisis confirmed that there was a deliberate attempt to frustrate Christians. The National Assembly must not fold their arms and see this happen. But I have no grudge against Buhari or DSS. They are only doing their job, but the DSS did it wrongly.” According to Vanguard, a director at the hotel where Apostle Suleman escaped arrest said the DSS met the receptionists that they had a message for the religious cleric from the presidency. The receptionists duly informed the security aides of Suleman who also told the apostle of the mission of the DSS. A few minutes later, Governor Ayodele Fayose came with his convoy and marched straight to the preacher’s room where he was already waiting with his bags packed and they left together.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

You won't believe what this Nigerian lady does for a living (photos) You won't believe what this Nigerian lady does for a living (photos) - a day ago

Meet Nigerian lady, Ebiminor Preye who does POP for a living (photos)
A Nigerian lady has done something remarkable in the society, Ebiminor Preye is a POP (Plaster of Paris) designer, a job dominated by men in Nigeria. Ebiminor Preye fixes POP for a living Preye has decided to stand apart from all the wayward girls in the society. The young lady prefers to get her hands and clothes dirty rather than doing nothing. READ ALSO: Nigerian girl who does POP designs for a living Even though this job is dominated by men, this young lady has chosen a field that is unique and she has decided to set a landmark for other women that may be interested in it. Ebiminor Preye is hardworking The female POP designer took to her Facebook page to advise ladies out there to be serious with their academics, she also encouraged those who do not have access to education to be diligent with their jobs. Preye is not just a hardworking lady but she is also a good wife material that would not be a liability to her man because she is an independent woman. Nigerians on Facebook wish the young lady well in her career. Read what they had to say below:

Real REASONS your brain gambles with your emotions

The following are just a few of the psychological limitation the human brain undergoes: 1. The brain loves shortcut game Most often when we plan to do some things, the first thought that comes to the brain is the easiest way to get it done. I mean the plain lazy way to do it fast! Using mental shortcut makes us get things done faster and achieve faster result but often most this mental shortcut called heuristics pushes us into making more mistakes than we ought to when we feel like solving a mechanical equal with its right formulae would be longer, so you decided to use a shorter formulae that might not give a full explanation to the answer you got, what you brain is using at the moment is called availability heuristic. You are fooled into believing that using the wrong formulae would still give you the right answer. 2. Conceal prejudice influence our thinking Our mind is easily susceptible to various unnecessary thoughts which prevent us from thinking in the right manner and all this lead to the making of errors, distortion. One great example of this is confirmation bias. Just imagine if you have a friend who doesn’t believe in marriage, she gives you various reasons that discredit what you have about marriage confirmation bias causes us to place a greater emphasis or even seek out things that confirm what we already believe, but to ignore or discount anything that opposes our already existing ideas. Imagine how this bias affects people daily. 3. The brain plays the mind game When something bad happens, it is only natural that we look for an underlying cause to blame. The problem is that we often place the blame on the wrong person, event, or object and frequently distort reality in order to protect our own self-esteem. Imagine I had a test some few days ago, the lecturer dictated about ten question that needed to be answered, I was so furious that I started blaming myself for not reading broadly, that’s is a normal thing for the brain to do. At the end of the day, I passed greatly in the test and I felt awesome that is called self-serving bias but what about if it is a classmate who failed a test, the first thing you think of is, "didn’t he read his book or was he just plain stupid? ” That’s called fundamental attribution error. 4. Your memory is not as great as you think While we often believe that our memory works as fast as possible lie video camera, preserving events exactly as they occurred, the reality is that our memory is much more fragile, inaccurate, and susceptible to influence than we would like to believe. For example, experts have found that it is surprisingly easy to induce false memories of events that did not really occur. In one study, researchers found watching a video of other people performing an action actually led participants to believe that they had performed the task themselves. Your memory might be good, but it is worth remembering that it is not perfect and certainly not always dependable. It is just like saying one’s memory is as great as you will remember everything you have ever read! It doesn’t work that way. 5. The brain plays trick on us Your brain is capable of remarkable things, from remembering a conversation you had with a dear friend to solving complex mathematical problems, or remembering the lyrics of a song someone out there was just humming into your ear few minutes ago, but as you’ve seen, it certainly isn’t perfect. So what can you do? There’s no way to avoid all of these potential problems, but being aware of some of the biases, perceptual shortcomings, and memory tricks. For instance, student falls into this category mostly. You have a test and you prepared so well only for you to get to the hall and you remember not as much as you needed and immediately you left the test hall you start remembering everything you ought to have remembered in the hall. That’s one of what shows that the brain isn’t as perfect as we sees it but of course it is perfect to some extent. Having known all this, it should be easier for us to learn to handle the difference in how our brain tackles some things.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Buhari kicks-off N5000 monthly payment to 1 million impoverished Nigerians

- One million very poor Nigerians are to get N5000 monthly says the Federal Government (FG) - The FG says the programme has begun in earnest - Funds for the commencement of the payments in four states were released last week The Federal Government (FG) has started disbursing the N5000 stipend which was promised to poor Nigerians by President Muhammadu Buhari. One million most vulnerable Nigerians will be rewarded with a N5,000 monthly stipend through the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) of its Social Investment Programmes (SIP). The Tribune reports that, the presidency announced that the Federal Government has begun the payment. Buhari kicks-off N5000 monthly payment to 1 million impoverished Nigerians Laolu Akande, the Senior Special Assistant on Media and publicity to Vice President Yemi Osinbajo disclosed that the implementation of the programme was part of the Muhammadu Buhari administration’s determined efforts to touch the lives of Nigerians positively.
“Funds for the commencement of the payments in four states were released last week to the Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System (NIBSS) – the platform that hosts and validates payments for all government’s social intervention programmes. Funds for another set of five states to complete the first batch of nine states would follow soon,” he revealed. The statement said beneficiaries in Borno, Kwara and Bauchi states have started receiving the money under the first batch, which also includes Cross Rivers, Niger, Kogi, Oyo, Ogun and Ekiti states. The nine pilot states were reportedly chosen because they have existing social registers that successfully identified the most vulnerable and poorest Nigerians through a tried and tested community based targeting (CBT) method working with the World Bank. “Those states are featured in the first batch, with the added inclusion of Borno State where a validated list of IDPS was compiled in addition to the Social Register, which is expected to go round the country. “Working with the World Bank, the CBT process has now been adopted for developing the Social Register in the other states around the country, for transparency, objectivity and credibility in the selection of the poorest and most vulnerable beneficiaries for the programme,” the statement read. The statement, also revealed that the sequence for the payment of the money would be operationally managed by NIBSS. In a similar vein, the FG has started the payment of N30,000 monthly stipends for beneficiaries of the N-Power scheme, the job creation programme of the President Muhammadu Buhari administration. Laolu Akande, the senior special assistant, media and publicity, office of the vice-president, disclosed this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Friday, December 30, stating that: “all successfully verified beneficiaries who have provided bank accounts are being processed for payment’’. According to him “some beneficiaries will receive their first stipends on December 30.’’

Monday, 2 January 2017

See what the world's largest bridge looks like

China has again shocked the world with its advancement in technology. Only recently, the Beipanjiang bridge in southern China opened to traffic following three years of construction. See what the world's largest bridge looks like See what the world's largest bridge looks like The bridge was built above the Beipangjiang valley in Guizhou province, the bridge boasts a 1,341-metre span, making it the world's new highest bridge.

Thursday, 29 December 2016

Man builds metal helicopter in Malawi

45-year-old man builds an ho
memade helicopter in Malawi, which has never taken off from the ground but it has attracted a lot of crowd.

Felix Kambwiri standing beside his self-made helicopter
The man, who was identified as Felix Kambwiri, has spent the last four months constructing his dream machine out of scrap metal and fibre-glass in his garage in the village of Gobede, 90km north of the capital Lilongwe.

Clambering inside the one-seater cockpit, he swings the door closed, turns the key, pumps the pedals, and the 125-cc secondhand engine roars into life as orange lights flash impressively. Speaking on his achievement:

Kambwiri said: “I would like just to fly for even five minutes to show that I am serious about this and that it is not a joke. This helicopter can fly. Every day I receive many curious visitors who have heard about me. Police regularly come here to monitor progress and make sure I don’t fly without permission. I can understand their concern is about my safety, and that of people who might come in their hundreds on the day I fly the helicopter. I will not take risks. I will wait until I am ready. I cannot allow anyone to take the risk for fear of an accident.”

Kambwiri built the helicopter to his own design after failing to find any books to help fulfil his life’s passion.

But he has been warned that he should not undertake any test flights until the civil aviation authorities have completed safety checks.

Nice innovation!


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