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Wednesday, 23 November 2016
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10 important words in life The most selfish
1 letter word "I" - Avoid it. 2. The most satisfying 2 letter word "We" - Use it. 3. The most poisonous 3 letter word "Ego" - Kill it. 4. The most used 4 letter word "Love" - Value it . 5. The most pleasing 5 letter word "Smile" - Keep it. 6. The fastest spreading 6 letter word "Rumour" - Ignore it. 7. The hardest working 7 letter word "Success" - Achieve it. 8. The most enviable 8 letter word "Jealousy" - Distance it. 9. The most powerful 9 letter word "knowledge" - Acquire it. 10. The most essential 10 letter word "Confidence" -Trust it. 11____________________? please comment more!!!!!!!
5 ways to make your girlfriend love you more this X-mas.
1.. Give her money 2.. Keep giving her money 3.. Dont forget to give her money 4.. Just continue giving her money 5.. Dont get tired, just continue giving her money repeatedly........................ Girls Am i right?
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Three things that destroy the love between a husband and wife
<p><img src="" alt="vllkyt3ac26o5ue2ng.cff2fdfe.jpg" /><strong>The ability to manage conflicts and resolve problems are qualities every man should possess Communication breakdown will always arise between husbands and wives There are three things some men are guilty of in marriage and a few women</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Marriage is an institution where no one is expected to graduate from. Learning in marital life continues till death parts each of the spouses, as long as there is no misunderstanding between them, in terms of divorce. A man not listening to his wife due to some misunderstanding</p><p>There are so many things that come between a man and a woman, while as husband and wife. Some of these things bring so much discord between the couple, thereby leading to absence of trust, which is the foundation of marriage. The three things that majorly bring set-backs to holy matrimony are: Extramarital affairs/bigamy/infidelity; alcohol consumption and gambling/going to club 1. Extramarital affairs Either you call it infidelity or adultery or by whatever name you intend calling it, it is one of the main canker worms, rampant in all societies.It is sad to hear stories of a man after saying he is legally married to one wife, having many concubines outside the home. This ugly trend is fast becoming a norm in most societies of the world. About five years ago, a radio presenter in one of the Radio stations in Lagos state gave a shocking information, when he said bigamy is rampant in Lagos state. Bigamy is marrying another person after being in a marriage already. For Allah’s sake, where is the world turning into? Men are more guilty of this. A good number of happy homes have been turned into theatre of sadness due to this unholy act. In one of the Asian countries, the government eased the laws on adultery, as it said, it will not be punishable under the law. This clearly shows, laws made by man, are one of the causes of broken homes, which in turn, affect the children, thereby leading to chaos in the larger society In the Glorious Qur’an, Allah said in chapter 17 verse 32: “And do not approach unlawful intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and evil as a way.” What an excellent instruction from our Creator. However, man believes he knows it all. The resulting effects of fornication, infidelity, bigamy, prostitution and adultery are nothing, but high rate of daily divorce, single parenting and lots of other problems in the society at large. 2. Alcohol intake It has been scientifically proven that alcohol consumption has so much side effects on the metabolic activities of the body. Alcohol consumption has been linked to some forms of cancers. Husbands who are drunkards, do beat up their wives, especially after becoming intoxicated. Alcohol makes someone to lose his mental processes. Some men find it difficult to spend on their wives and children just because of alcohol consumption. They prefer to spend their last kobo, or even steal from their wives on alcohol. Some children at a very young age take after their parents because they drink alcohol. Likewise, women, who sell alcohol bring more problems to their children, especially their daughters.This is because, the mothers’ customers sometimes lure the daughters into unlawful sex, thereby destroying the future of the young girls. Some girls later become wayward and also menace to the society. 3.
Gambling All over the world, gambling has been popularised so much that, even a married woman gambles. This is so sad! It has become an addict of some parents to gamble with the money they ought to spend on their children. When they fail to spend, some children themselves take to crime and other societal vices, which ruin the future of their children. Gambling has been packaged so much that, both educated and illiterates are involved. Allah mentioned both alcohol, gambling and some other evil acts in the chapter 5 verse 91 of His book, Al Qur’an, he said: “Satan only wants to cause between you animosity and hatred through intoxicants (alcohol) and gambling and to avert you from remembrance of Allah and from prayer. So, will you not desist?”</p></div>
5 things women do to lure men into marriage
<p><img src="" alt="vllkyt2edgiqrcuoh.42f2cbd5.jpg" /><strong>One really cannot blame women who trick men into marrying them; it is a difficult world for them out there. Women are often judged for not being married and are subjected to some baseless hypocritical criticism.</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>The society has a way of labeling these women and making them feel like they have missed an important event in their lives. Some even brew stories of all sorts insinuating that the ladies must have spent their early years waywardly. These and all sorts of things push the ladies beyond their limits and make them go to any length in tying a man down. Ladies carefully plan their way into a man’s heart and house. They would do anything just for their titles to change. Below are some of the things women do to trick men into marrying them: 1. They become obedient Every man wants to marry a submissive woman; a woman who is hardworking, obedient, prudent and understanding. Most women know these and many more traits are the things men want in the women so they act out all these things. They become a different person entirely and do all they could to please the men. The men in turn, blindly fall for this and choose women that possess all these qualities.</p><p>2. They become more religious In the society now, people believe good- natured people can majorly be found in places of worship. Women know this well and act on it; they become frequent fellowship goer and start to partake in the activities that would make them become more noticeable. Not like there are no good girls in the religious centers, they have simply been infiltrated by those looking forward to getting married. Most men who want to settle down prefer picking their partners from religious groups as they believe they would be good natured and homely. Sadly, most of them are just disillusioned and do not know that it is a coy for the ladies to get married.</p><p>3. Getting pregnant Many ladies trick men into marrying them by becoming pregnant all of a sudden. They might not have planned for it but then the ladies would insist on having the baby and start to share different prophecies about them being warned not to abort. Some innocent men fall prey to this and are forced to marry those women. Six out of every ten men could have married a different person but for the fact that another woman got pregnant for them about that same time.</p><p>4. Pretending to be virgins Women also trick men into marrying them by portraying themselves as being virgins. Men love the idea of getting married to women who are untouched; who have never been defiled for reasons best known to them. So while they must have had lots of fun as bachelors, they still get charmed by the idea of marrying virgins for a change. Ladies use this to work their way into their lives. It is a safe point for them as the men can never ascertain if they are truly virgins until the wedding night.</p><p>5. The family’s favorite Some women also act so nice towards the men’s family such that they become everyone’s favorite. They do this so well that they have advocates in the house who would speak for them even when they are not around. Some ladies plan their ways into the men’s houses by dancing to everyone’s tune and becoming the ideal daughter-in-law in no time.</p></div>
3 foods that will help reduce your hypertension
<p><strong>Hypertension is not just a disease that affects the older population. More than 30% of the people aged between 16-34 cannot regulate their blood pressure and keep it normal. A recent survey showed that this disease may cause brain damage and premature aging.</strong></p><p>Constantly taking the medication to control hypertension is the conventional treatment, but those receptor blockers are suspected to increase the risk of cancer and other diseases. A research carried out in Nigeria by scientists from the University of Edinburgh, England, revealed that one in every four Nigerian is at risk of being diagnosed with high blood pressure. High blood pressure – also known as hypertension – which can cause stroke, heart disease and kidney disease, is twice as high in Nigeria compared with other East African countries and very few are aware that they have the condition. The study also revealed that the figure will sharply rise as more Nigerians continue to live like westerners lives until drastic measures are put in place. Z8bxKS There were more than 20 million cases of hypertension in Nigeria in 2010, affecting one-in-three men and one-in-four women and researchers predict a rise in figure to 39 million cases by 2030. Their findings have been published in the “Journal of Hypertension” and it is the first up-to-date nationwide estimate showing how hypertension affects Nigerians at an alarming rate. High blood pressure is the No 1 modifiable risk factor for stroke. It also contributes to heart attacks, heart failures, kidney failures and atherosclerosis (fatty buildups in arteries). In some cases, it can cause blindness. Learn More Here >>> Z8bxKS</p><p>1.Banana <img src="" alt="vllkyt13rs6q42k31.e7b089d7.jpg" /></p><p>Eating a banana recipe meal can actually help to lower your blood pressure naturally drastically over time. And the reason is because banana is power packed with potassium which is actually one of the key ingredients to helping to lower high blood pressure; and this can simply drop your blood level by 20 points when taken in way i show you how to later on in this page. Well, that just one of the things that your doctors might have left out…</p><p>2.Brown Rice</p><p><img src="" alt="vllkyt6carp9210o1.5efcd0c2.jpg" /></p><p>This is also another natural method which has helped lots of my clients having issues with high blood pressure to see considerable result in their blood pressure level. http://</p><p>3 Water <img src="" alt="vllkytvr0ali9b2ao.62117ee0.jpg" /></p><p>Do you know that taking in water daily for a considerable amount of time would help you drop of more points in your blood pressure level Well, these are just some of the natural process which happens to work in dealing with high blood pressure NATURALLY. Click Here to learn More: Now what I have done personally for you is to create a COMPLETE DETAILED guide on how you can get to naturally lower your blood pressure level within weeks of going through this very natural process that I will sharing with you.</p>
<p><img src="" alt="ba2ab7af63b0074eaefbf0a0108eff2e.600x600" /></p><p>< <strong>Consideration Ft. Sza</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>“I got to do things / My own way darling” “When I look outside my window / I can’t get no peace of mind” “Let me cover your shit in glitter / I can make it gold” “Heard you’re tryna sell your soul, baby / But I’m not sure, you’re running low, lately / I needed you to please give my reflection a break / From the face it’s seeing now”</p></div><p><strong>Work Ft. Drake</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>“I believed all of your dreams, adoration / You took my heart and my keys and my patience” “You took my heart on my sleeve for decoration / You mistaken my love I brought for you for foundation” “All that I wanted from you was to give me / Something that I never had / Something that you’ve never seen / Something that you’ve never been!”</p></div><p><strong>Close to You</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>“Nothing but a tear, that’s all for breakfast / Watching you pretend you’re unaffected” “No you don’t need my protection / But I’m in love, can’t blame me for checking / I look in your direction, hoping that the message goes”</p></div><p><strong>Higher</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>“This whiskey got me feelin’ pretty / So pardon if I’m impolite” “So I could be more creative / And come up with poetic lines / But I’m turnt up off sizz’ and “I love you” / Is the only thing that’s in my mind” “You take me higher, higher than I’ve ever been, babe / Just come over, let’s pour a drink, babe / I hope I ain’t calling you too late” “I wanna go back to the alleyway / But I’m drunk and still with a full ash tray / With a little bit too much to say”</p></div><p><strong>Love on the Brain</strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>“I tried to buy your pretty heart, but the price too high” “Oh, and baby I’m fist fighting with fire / Just to get close to you / Can we burn something babe? / And I run for miles just to get a taste / Must be love on the brain” “Must be love on the brain yeah / And it keeps cursing my name / No matter what I do / I’m no good without you” “I’m tired of being played like a violin / What do I gotta do to get in your motherfuckin’ heart?”</p></div>