Moment Of Life !!

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Advantages of getting married early for both men and women

Early getting married advantages are:

1.Easy To Adjust With Partner: Younger people
adapt easily to changing environments since it is
easier for them to break bad habits as compared
to people who are older in age.

2.You Are More Fertile: After the age of 35 years,
you become less fertile. Women who get pregnant
after this age face numerous pregnancy problems.
Therefore, getting married early saves you from
this trouble.
3.More Time With Partner: You get to spend
more time with your partner when you get
married early. Settling for an early marriage also
helps you to know your in-laws better.

4.Get To Fulfill Your Dreams: People think that
marriage puts a stop to fulfilling one’s dreams.
But, if you find the right partner, one who
understands your needs and goals, it is better off
to get married early.

5.More Time For Lovemaking: There is more time
for lovemaking when you marry early. This is one
of the main advantages of getting married early.
It is at this age where you also get the time and
energy to try out new positions to please your
partner in the bedroom.

6.Look Younger For Longer: When you get
married at an early age, people will soon start to
compliment you on your looks. This is one of the
advantages of getting married early.

7.Brings Out The Maturity: Getting married young
brings out the responsibility and maturity in you.
Both the wife and husband become more mature
and responsible and settle into their roles easily
as life moves on.

8.Be Energetic Parents: Marrying young also has
the benefit of having children early, making it
easier for the couple to raise them since they
themselves will be young and full of energy and
will be able to relate to their children more.
These are the advantages of getting married
early .


Saturday, 3 December 2016

Instagram Now Tells You If Someone Takes A Screenshot On Your Photo/ Video

Instagram just released a new updates that notify
you when someone takes a Screenshot on your
Photo or Video.. Amazing right?
Now, Nobody can steal your content without your
This is how the Notification will appear at your
own end:-
Brilliant idea.. Thanks to Instagram!

Facebook Tricks You Must Know

1. How to type colorful text for your status or
Want to impress your friends with something out
of the box? If yes then follow our next steps. For
typing any form of text in colorful way just paste
following script for each letter:
[[107015582669715]] = A [[116067591741123]] =
B [[115602405121532]] = C [[112542438763744]]
= D [[115430438474268]] = E
[[109225112442557]] = F [[111532845537326]] =
G [[111356865552629]] = H [[109294689102123]]
= I [[126362660720793]] = J [[116651741681944]]
= K [[115807951764667]] = L [[106596672714242]
] = M [[108634132504932]] = N
[[116564658357124]] = O [[111669128857397]] =
P [[107061805996548]] = Q [[106699962703083]]
= R [[115927268419031]] = S
[[112669162092780]] = T [[108983579135532]] =
U [[107023745999320]] = V [[106678406038354]]
= W [[116740548336581]] = X
[[112416755444217]] = Y [[165724910215]] = Z

2. Creating your own chat
Want to chat with your friend in a different way?
Well, you can if you want to. We have a trick by
which you talk via pictures. You don’t need to
upload them need to type them. For instance you
want to show something related to mr.zuck, one
of your friends, so, can show his profile pictures
and type something with it. Just type the
username in this way [[Zuck]] and profile picture
would be sent in the chat.

3. How to upload your pictures from flickr to
If you have some albums on flickr and want to
share them over facebook then your problem
would be solved now. You should
downloadflikr2facebook, for this transfer this
program will automatically transfer all the albums
or photos you want to transfer.

4. Scheduling facebook messages
If you are using more than one messengers at a
time or want to schedule your facebook messages
then you should click here, you would here find a
program for scheduling all you message at a
single time. It’s fantastic software for people who
want to deal people talking from more than one

5. How to hide your facebook status from the
friends you want
For hiding your status you need to need to
change your privacy settings for this you will first
go to privacy setting and from these go to profile
tab. There you should go for status update
setting there a page will open and you can under
customize you can name the person you want to
hide your status from.

6. Removing unwanted ads on Facebook
If you want to get rid of ridiculous advertisement
on facebook, then you should try Facebook
cleaner it removes all the unwanted
advertisements which makes your browser slow
and makes the browsing faster too.
Remove Facebook ads trick

7. Access your facebook account from your
Don’t have time to visit facebook regularly now?
Now get your facebook chatting on your desktop
simply download Gabtastik and you can chat from
your desktop with your friends.

8. How to create Quiz on Facebook
Have any question in your mind? Want to know it
from your friend via quiz? Then there is no better
place then facebook by going toLOLapps you can
get a free quiz generator and have fun with your
facebook friends.

9. How to display offline status to some of your
Don’t want to talk to some of your friends while
remaining online? Well, you can do it now, it
simple to do……….. Just go to your chat box and
find a star there click it and go to advanced
settings here you in the first write the profile
names of the people whom you want to display
offline status. As you write the names you would
be shown offline in there chat box and originally
you would remain online.

10. How to set your status remaining online on
Using multiple social network and don’t have
time to set the status regularly then
useFireStatus, you can easily set your status with
one B.utton click to the leading social media
sites. This will bring more efficiency and joy to
your browsing experience.Firefox-status-facebook
What are you waiting for…

Read How You Can Get More Subscribers on YouTube and Make More Money

1. Keep your videos consistently good and
Anyone can just make a short video and post it
on What sets yours apart? Your
videos must be characterized by high quality and
value. They also must be posted frequently so
that your viewers can always have something to
look forward to. If you stick to a schedule, that is
even better.
The more videos you have, the more they pop up
as search results, the more popular your channel
will become. Note however that posting too many
videos every week can clog up your channel and
make it hard for viewers to find what they are
looking for.

2. Optimize your content
Just as it is with print blogs, you need to
optimize the content on you YouTube. Ensure you
optimize the keyword applications of the title and
description of your video. You can even go a step
further by reviewing and optimizing your
channel’s name and page as well. Check the
featured tags on broadcasts that are most liked in
your genre and compare them with yours, are
yours properly phrased?
Also look out for the keywords that your
prospective viewers are using in their searches.
Hitting the correct keywords is particularly
important with regards to the title of your videos
which should also be catchy. Do not fill the
description with keyword lists (a feature of the
most terrible videos) as such spam tactics will
definitely cost you.

3. Use annotations
Annotations are those links that pop up at
specific points (as determined by the timestamp)
while a video is playing. Although annotations can
be annoying, but they can be a content creator’s
dream as they can use them to increase their
audience by following these techniques: Call to
action (inserting a sticky note on the video that
implores people to subscribe to your channel),
Spotlight annotation (creating a clickable
annotation on the video itself that drives people
to a landing or product page) and Link to other
videos (Annotations that allow you to link to
related videos, whether they are yours or not).
Annotation may seem like extra work, but it
drives subscription rate. However fantastic a tool
they may be though, annotations should be
utilized sparingly and chiefly for call-to-action
links. The more they are utilized, the greater the
possibility of users switching them off completely
as viewers can go into the video player menu
screen and turn them off.

4. Offer an incentive
Nigerians are certainly moved by incentive.
Launch an incentive that would entice users to
subscribe. Ensure that you publicize your present
follower count is and the count (which should be
practical) that you are aiming while you are at it.
Once you have done that, make a plan on what to
do after the aim/goal is attained. It could be to
deliver more content and on a regular basis,
launching a special video, or offering a gift to a
lucky subscriber .Whatever it is, you can
encourage this kind of contest on other social
media channels for additional benefit. In no time,
you will have subscribers and followers.

5. Add a YouTube widget
If your channel is not getting a lot of traffic, you
will easily be able to get more subscribers with a
YouTube widget. It however only works if you
also have a blog or website.
A widget allows visitors to subscribe to your
channel without necessarily leaving your blog or
website. Basically, it let you kill two birds with
one stone.

NCC Orders Telecom Companies to Increase Data Rates Amidst Recession

The increment rate which is currently unknown
will take effect from the 1st of December, 2016.
This will be coming as bad news to a generality
of Nigerian youths who dominate the Nigerian
social media space with mobile phone data plans.

This disturbing report is also coming on the heels
of a scathing economic recession which has
forced the Central Bank of Nigeria for initiate a
proposal of taxing phone conversations above
three minutes. This is estimated to rake a N100
billion in a year for the national treasury.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

See the large snake that was killed in Lagos – to be sold for N20,000 (PHOTOS)

“Funny enough, the man who killed the snake has
tagged it for 20k. It will amaze you to know that
the man who killed it is the one behind on a face
cap, and without shirt.


Prof Wole Soyinka destroys ‘green card’ as vowed

Nigeria’s Nobel laureate Professor Wole Soyinka
has confirmed the destruction of his US
residency green card.
The award-winning author said on Thursday,
December 1 that he has fulfilled his earlier pledge
to destroy his residency permit and abandon the
United States if Donald Trump won the
presidential election.
Professor Wole Soyinka has abandoned US
because of Donald Trump and
“I have already done it, I have disengaged (from
the United States). I have done what I said I
would do.

At the same time he said he would not
discourage others from applying for a green card.
“It’s useful in many ways. I wouldn’t for one
single moment discourage any Nigerians or
anybody from acquiring a green card… but I have
had enough of it,” he said.
A Facebook user recently posted a picture
showing someone that appears to be Prof Wole
Soyinka stowing his bags in the overhead carriage
of a plane on his return to Nigeria just after the
US elections

Soyinka, one of Africa’s most famous writers and
rights activists, was jailed in 1967 for 22 months
during Nigeria’s civil war.
He was reported to have recently completed a
term as scholar-in-residence at New York
University’s Institute of African American Affairs.
A lawyer had also warned of the implications of
such an action by Soyinka, saying that he could
go to jail for destroying such an important
Abuja based lawyer Kayode Ajulo cautioned Prof.
Wole Soyinka against carrying out his threat to
destroy his American green card in protest of
Donald Trump’s victory at the US presidential


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